Whether the goal is trying to lose weight, build a business, improve our mental health or anything in between - we can achieve anything we set our minds to, but first we have to get rid of our excuses.
1. I’ll do it tomorrow. Nothing in this life is promised, except death, tomorrow may never come and the task will remain incomplete. The only way to achieve our goals is to start taking action right now.
2. I’m not good enough. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard, we can improve on the skills we already have by training and practicing. Remember - we all have to start from somewhere.
3. I’m tired. It’s important to listen to our bodies and make time to rest, but we must also keep in mind that our goals will never be achieved if we don’t sacrifice. We may have to give up an hour of sleep to fit in that workout or training session that will bring us closer to achieving our goals.
4. Other people are already doing it. Indeed, there are others who are expressing their gifts and talents to the world - but they’re not us. We each have a unique, individual perspective, gift or talent to offer the world that no one else can.
5. I’ve already tried. To be successful in anything we need to fail and fail often, from each failure we learn a new lesson that we can use to improve our future attempts. It’s important to keep in mind that the only true failure is giving up.
6. What will others say about me? The opinions of others have nothing to do with us, the only opinion that matters is our own. We are the ones who have to live with the regrets of not trying, the validation of others isn’t worth giving up on our dreams.
7. What if it doesn’t work out? If it comes to the point where giving up feels like the only option - which it rarely ever is - at least we can say we tried. If we try we might fail, if we don’t we guarantee it.
Excuses sound best to the ones making them.
Peace & positive vibes.
I am allowing and I am moving about the planet and behaving in a way that is in alignment with my current vibration.