This painting by the late, Joey Waldon in 2009 was not…

This painting by the late, Joey Waldon in 2009 was not celebrating morbid cynicism, it was celebrating the joy of life and releasing into the impermanence of it. Living in the present. It could not be more timely and relevant than now. We are pictured here together in May 1, 2013 at his “Living Funeral”, he said with a laugh, “I’m the Nearly Departed” we are seated together on the sofa at the @houseofbluesstudios in Dallas. We were both going through chemo at the same time. Joey died 11 days later of pancreatic cancer. I was honored to be able to sing to him that night and days later, literally on his death bed. He considered himself a
Surreal-Estate Agent Artist and a humorist. I miss his kindness and his Dark & Fuzzy wit & art. #joeywaldonart #margorey #margoreylives #impermanence #covid_19 #art #surrealism #present #liveinthemoment